
A number of resources that may be helpful to our users are available here.

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ALLA Listserv

ALALA-L was created in June 1997 as a forum for the broadcasting of Association news and the discussion of library-related topics. Subscription is open to anyone interested in the Association, as well as Alabama libraries and librarianship in general.

Visit and follow the instructions provided there to subscribe or unsubscribe.

You should shortly receive a welcome message telling you that you are a member of the list. Your messages arrive as e-mail messages. To send messages to everyone who has subscribed to the list, direct your message to [email protected]. Problems with the listserv should be sent to Jennifer Taylor, Technical Archivist in the Special Collection Department of the Samford University Library, listserv moderator. 

Social Media


ALLA Brochure -- Contact the Web Administrator if you would like a copy of the brochure on a CD.