Executive Council
"The Executive Council of the Alabama Library Association, Inc. is entrusted with conducting the business of the Association and is charged with keeping the membership informed of its official acts through The Alabama Librarian or other means. (Article IV, 1)" -- Alabama Library Association Handbook, Chapter 5, p.9. Information about the duties of the officers is available in Chapter 6, p.13.
Members can keep current with the Executive Council by reviewing the approved minutes from the Executive Council meetings. In addition, members can view the Association's calendar to find important dates, including the dates, times, and locations of all Executive Council meetings.
Finally, all members can contact the Association Office for any assistance.
Current members of the Executive Council are the Officers, Division Chairpersons, Ex-Officio Members, Alabama Librarian Editors, Scholarship Fund, Inc. Board President, Round Table Moderators, and Committee Chairs.
Council members are added to the ALLA Executive Council Google Group.
- Divisions include: CUS, PLD, and YSSLD
- Roundtables include: ALIRT, CDMRT, GODORT, MCRT, PART, RASRT, TSSRT, and YASRT
- Committees are: Association Awards, Author Awards, Bibliographic, Budget & Finance, Bylaws, Convention, Education, Emeritus Council, Employee Evaluation, Handbook, Intellectual Freedom, Legislative Development, Membership, Nominating, Planning, Public Relations, and Publications
Voting members are limited to officers and division chairpersons.
- President: Craig Scott, Gadsden Public Library
- President-Elect: James Gilbreath, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Past President: Matt Layne, O'Neal Library
- Secretary: Danny Stewart, Pell City Public Library
- Treasurer: Jessica Hayes, Auburn University at Montgomery [2-Year Term: term begins 7/2024 and ends 6/2026]
- Member-at-Large: Central Alabama: Megan Green, Birmingham Public Library [2-Year Term: term ends 4/2026]
- Member-at-Large: North Alabama: Karlie Johnson, Jacksonville State University [2-Year Term: term ends 4/2025]
- Member-at-Large: South Alabama: Chris Warren, Dothan Houston County Library System [2-Year Term: term ends 4/2026]
Division Chairpersons
- College, University & Special: Laura Pitts, Jacksonville State University
- Public Library: Rex Bain, Lawrence County Public Library
- Youth Services & School Library Division: Kristie Barnett, Oxford Middle School
Ex-Officio Members
- Association Administrator: Angela Moore, Alabama Library Association, 334.414.0113, [email protected]
- Web Administrator: Jodi W. Poe, Jacksonville State University, [email protected]
- ALA Councillor: Paula Laurita, Redstone Arsenal [3-Year Term: term ends 4/2027]
- SELA Representative: Chris Shaffer, Troy University [4-Year Term: term ends 4/2028]
Other Positions
- Alabama Libraries Editor-in-Chief: Laura Pitts, Jacksonville State University, [email protected]
- ALLA COMmunicator Editor: Sheila Brandt, University of Montevallo, [email protected]
- Archivist: Alex Boucher, University of Alabama
- President, Scholarship Fund, Inc.: VACANT